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Signing up and paying for classes at OJA couldn't be easier.


Classes will be ordered into categories, Children and parents will sit down and decide together which classes they'd like to take. Those in the full-time program will have obligations to take a certain amount of CORE classes. Classes are clearly indicated as to whether they are CORE or ELECTIVE. 


Below is a demo-picture of the future Class Selection page for Math & Science. 

As an example, the class "Animal Camera Traps," is chosen,  see bottom right hand corner, indicated by the black mouse pointer. 


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The page will then open showing all the details of the course. 

Choose the class by clicking Add to Cart, just like you were purchasing a product online

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Once you have chosen all the classes you wish to take in the current 8 week cycle, go to Check Out, and you will be issued with an invoice for all the classes you have chosen. However, you will not pay at this point? 



Because Credit Cards or PayPal charge a significant percentage on your purchases. 


As mentioned before, Jungle Academy is empowered by Bitcoin. 

At sign-up, parents will be shown how to download the Chirripo Lightning Wallet. This is a digital wallet that has been specifically designed for Costa Rica, and this area in particular. See


Jungle Academy will issue you with a QR code for the fees you need to pay. You will then transfer the amount of dollars needed to pay the fees into your Chirripo Wallet and Scan the QR code. Your payment will be made instantly, directly and at a cost of cents, not dollars.  




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The future is now


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