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Inspiring youth today to impact tomorrow's world
Enabling Exceptional Education

The Jungle Academy model has 3 important characteristics 

~ Non-Profit ~


~ Decentralised ~


~ Symbiotic ~

Non-Profit Model, Consensus Model


Osa Jungle Academy (OJA)  is a non-profit organization, owned collectively and equally by a community of investors, the Founders Circle. This Circle or group will be dissolved every fours years. 


The non-profit nature of the model allows for many exciting opportunities for the community to contribute to and receive transparent and equitable rewards from OJA.


Class sizes will remain small and ideally suited to the subject.  For instance, where there is a local conversation protection project with a partner non-profit organisation, classes will typically not exceed 12 students at ay time. However, we may occasionally host a larger group seminar for a particularly engaging topic to our larger community. 


The model also ensures that monies are reserved from every enrolment for community initiatives. Raising funds for charitable initiatives is fundamentally built into the model at each and every step.

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A Decentralized, Open Program

Our model essentially operates under the principles of open source. Any person or teacher is free to create classes, unimpeded by a central authorisation process. It has been widely proven that open source projects out-compete closed models and are the way of the future.


Benefits of a decentralized, open source models are:


  • Greater community involvement

  • Serving a wider cross-section of viewpoints

  • More adaptable to change

  • Ignites creativity

  • Cost effectiveness

  • Attracts a greater variety of talent

  • Focuses resources where they're needed most

  • Starting small and expanding or contracting to reflect the market


In true open-source spirit, anyone can copy add-on or plug into this model. It is deliberately not proprietary

as the goal is to enable exceptional education to everyone and encourage life-long learning.




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Project Symbiosis


OJA is designed both to expand the learning options for tweens & teens, and so increase access to knowledge and experiences that may inspire and ignite.  All this is done in symbiosis with other educational offerings also available in the area. Students can participate full time at OJA , or choose other educational options and interact with OJA offerings on an ad-hoc basis.


Students may:

  • attend core OJA subjects in the morning daily and fill the rest of the day with extra, elective classes

  • follow a home country / homeschool curriculum, and choose only the OJA classes where they needing additional support

  • be enrolled full-time at another school and sign-up for exciting novel elective classes taking place during afternoons and Fridays


Ultimately, OJA is set up specifically to meet the flexible growth needs of the community as it fluctuates throughout the year.

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